Toddler Eczema Around Mouth: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatment

Eczema is also called dermatitis, it is a chronic condition that causes the skin to be dry, itchy, and inflamed.

The most common type of eczema is atopic dermatitis. This type of eczema affects mostly infants, children, and teenagers between the age of 6 months to 18 years.

Statistics have also shown that about 13% of all children under the age of 18 in the United States are been affected by this type of eczema.

Generally, the main cause of eczema is unknown, some dermatologist believes children who develop eczema do so because of a combination of genes and environmental triggers.

When something outside the body “switches on” the immune system, skin cells don’t behave as they should. This may result or cause eczema flare-ups.

Eczema is wide and extensive, that’s why we have narrowed down our focus to elaborating more on toddler eczema around the mouth, its causes, symptoms, and possible treatment.

Toddler Eczema Around Mouth

Toddler Eczema Around The Mouth

Eczema isn’t the same with kids, it changes its location and appearance as growth continues. though, it is most common on children’s faces.

Eczema acts differently in infants and toddlers than it does in older children. As the child grows, he or she may experience significant and frequent exacerbations

Toddler eczema runs between one year of kids and three. This age experiences mouth eczema with symptoms of red rash, slight itching, and burning.

There is also evidence of eczema around their ankle, hands, elbow, and eyelids which show signs of dry scaly skin.

Possible Causes Of Toddler Eczema Around The Mouth

Toddler Eczema Around Mouth

As we said previously in our introduction, the exact cause of eczema is unknown. Though most research points to genetic and environmental factors.

Different studies have linked the cause of toddler eczema around the mouth to allergy. Most time young ages develop allergies through some products which may transform into eczema.

It may be through direct contact with the face e.g rubbing the child’s face with cream or lotion which may affect the mouth. This contact may also be indirect via the hands, through the transfer of infection to the mouth.

This process may come through

  • The overuse of steroid creams over a long period of time
  • Inhaled prescription steroid sprays used in the nose for asthma may cause the presence of eczema around the mouth
  • Allergic reaction to a cosmetic applied to the face mostly in adults

Other factors that may cause or trigger toddler eczema around the mouth include

  • Food allergies
  • Heat and sweating
  • Irritants
  • Infection

Symptoms Of Toddler Eczema Around Mouth

There are different symptoms of eczema ranging from infants to childhood. The following symptoms and signs are common in a toddler’s mouth.

  • Rashes that appear on the mouth
  • Redness
  • Dry patches around the mouth
  • Scaly and flaky skin
  • Itching skin

Treatments Of Toddler Eczema Around The Mouth

Eczema can be treated using different measures. it doesn’t matter how severe it is. Take the following measures very seriously.

Applying Moisturizers

Moisturize the child with ceramide products, this will help smoothen your baby’s eczema symptoms. Use for skin at least once or twice a day.

It should be an oil base moisturizer without fragrance, also look for words like hypoallergenic.

Taking Medications

Medications like antibiotics and antihistamines will help stop the baby’s severe itching that will result in eczema. These medications also fight against bacteria occurring with eczema.

Consider corticosteroids.

This product is best recommended to reduce inflammation and itching, it comes in different forms like spray lotions and others.

Regular Bathing

One best ways to clear up dirt from a baby’s skin is by bathing. This will help smoothen your baby’s eczema. this should be done with fragrance-free soaps. soaps with fragrance will hasten irritation on your baby’s skin.


The best way to prevent eczema in children is by avoiding major factors that trigger it. these triggers include dry skin and allergens.

Also, avoid harsh detergents and soaps. These factors will help prevent its flare-up.

Dry skin is the major eczema trigger resulting in its flare-up, so dermatologists recommend an ointment- or cream-based moisturizer to help smoothen the skin.

Natural Home Remedies For Toddler Eczema

Aside from using moisturizers and creams, there are some natural homemade remedies for treating both your baby’s and toddler’s eczema.

These remedies are recommended by dermatologists to help comfort your baby and make eczema symptoms easier.

Coconut Oil 

Virgin coconut oil infused with fresh antioxidants act as a moisturizer for combating baby-sensitive and toddler eczema. Coconut oil has fatty acids that help to fight dry sensitive eczema skin from its source.


It has both antibacterial and moisturizing properties that help in relieving eczema outbreaks. Honey is commonly found in most baby creams and moisturizers.

Shea Butter

Research has shown that shea butter has rich antioxidants that help to relieve a toddler’s eczema. It has infused moisturizing property that helps to refill your baby’s lost moisture.

Using Colloidal Oatmeal

A series of research has been carried out by some experts using colloidal oatmeal on a baby’s skin. And according to  AAD and the National Eczema Association, colloidal oatmeal helps to relieve and soothe your baby’s skin when they have eczema.

Other Common Eczema Types

Other than atopic dermatitis, the following are some other forms of eczema with individual symptoms and triggers.

Dyshidrotic eczema

This type of eczema is common in adults, it is mainly found on hands and feet due to blister formation showing signs of flaky and cracked skin.

Some dermatologists trace its causes to stress and allergies.

Contact eczema

This type of eczema is mainly caused due to contact with a foreign body. Those with red irritated skin often suffer from contact eczema.

Exposure to substances like harsh detergent, cement, and nickel may cause contact eczema. Contact eczema shows symptoms of dry, red, and itchy skin that may feel as though it is burning.

Nummular eczema

  This looks different from other types of eczema, it usually comes with coin-shaped itchy spots that can be triggered by dry skin, or insect bites. Those battling atopic dermatitises are likely to have this type of eczema.

Hand eczema

This type of eczema is commonly found on hand due to its exposure to irritants. Hand eczema is triggered by exposure to chemicals. Hairdressers are more prone to have this type of eczema due to their exposure to irritants.

Seborrheic dermatitis

Another type of eczema common in children is seborrheic dermatitis, also known as “cradle cap” Seborrheic dermatitis is commonly found in the oily part of the body like the face, nose, eyebrows, ears, and chest.

Aloe Vera For Toddler Eczema

Aloe vera is a wonderful plant that can help soothe and heal many skin conditions. It’s been used for centuries, and it’s thought to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with eczema. The gel is most commonly applied to the skin, but it can also be taken orally.

Aloe Vera Gel is an excellent treatment for eczema because it helps to relieve itching and burning sensations caused by eczema when applied directly on your child’s skin twice daily before bedtime.

You should apply the gel directly onto their skin twice daily before going to sleep at night after washing their hands first if they don’t have any gloves available then again before breakfast time in the morning if possible then again before lunchtime in the afternoon if possible then again before dinner time.

Ointment For Toddler Eczema

Ointment for toddler eczema is a topical medication that you can use on your child’s skin to treat the symptoms of itchy, dry skin.

The ointment is applied directly to the affected area and should be left on for at least five minutes before rinsing off. You will want to apply the ointment on a regular basis, such as every day or every other day for the best results.

Aside from ointment for eczema, there are other options that you can use to help treat their symptoms. Consider using natural remedies like coconut oil or tea tree oil instead of purchasing over-the-counter medications from the pharmacy.


Can a toddler outgrow eczema?

The answer is yes. Your toddler can outgrow eczema, but it’s important to remember that it may take some time. In fact, if you think your child has eczema, don’t panic. It’s very common for kids to outgrow their eczema by the time they are 3 or 4 years old.

What foods should a child with eczema avoid?

If you have an eczema-prone child, however, there are some foods that they should avoid during eczema flare-ups.

Avoid dairy products: Cow’s milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream are all major triggers for eczema in children. You may want to try substituting these products with alternatives like soy milk or almond milk instead.

Avoid fatty foods: Foods that contain oils (like nuts) can also cause flare-ups if your child has sensitive skin.

If you think that your child might be reacting badly to certain foods like nuts, try removing them from their diet for several hours before giving them back again. This will help prevent any inflammation from occurring at all.


We hope you enjoyed our article about how to treat toddler eczema around the mouth. It can be tough dealing with eczema in your child, especially when they are so young.

We hope this article provides you with some insight and ways to deal with the symptoms of eczema around your child’s mouth.

Were you able to use any of the tips in this article? Let us know how your experience was. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. Thank you for reading, we would love to hear from you.

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